
Showing posts from 2012

How to reduce high SGOT and SGPT level

I will only send a detailed description fo easy way to reducing SGOT and SGPT level. If you really need, can mail me at Human Liver

2012: What EID means to me?

Solution: "MySQL is running but PID file could not be found"

If sometime, mysql status shows that " ERROR! MySQL is running but PID file could not be found ", after checking the mysql status like below: etc/init.d/mysql status ERROR! MySQL is running but PID file could not be found To solve this issue, please kill all the mysql daemon. ps aux | grep mysql kill -9 pid1 pid2 ... Now start the mysql, /etc/init.d/mysql start  

Reset forgotten mysql root password

Here is the steps to reset mysql password in case of one forget it. Note: One must have linux root login credential. Step 1: Open a terminal, and login using root linux password. Firstly, stop mysql daemon, using the below command: /etc/init.d/mysql stop or, service mysql stop Step 2: Start the mysql server manually without permission of tables which will allow to login as root user without password. Use the following command: mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables 120730 08:53:40 mysqld_safe Logging to '/var/lib/mysql/MBS-APPS.err'. 120730 08:53:40 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql Step 3: Now open a new window and start mysql without any password: mysql --user=root mysql Step 4: Now reset the mysql root password, UPDATE user SET password=PASSWORD('newpassword') WHERE user='root'; flush privileges; exit; Step 5: Password will successfully reset. Now kill all mysqld process. ps -ef|grep -i mysql   kill -

To extract substring between two character: Shell Script

var1='mysql-' var2='-linux' mysqlFromWhichCommand=/usr/local/mysql-5.1.38-linux-i686-icc-glibc23/bin/mysql versionMysql=`echo "$mysqlFromWhichCommand" | sed -e "s/.*${v1}//;s/${v2}.*//"`` echo "MySql version: $versionMysql"

Azim Dada, no more ..... innalillah he wa inna ilaihe rajeoun

Yesterday on 9th June, 2012, Azim dada, one of my cousins passed away. May Allah bless him and his family with peace. He was around 36 yrs, with two boy (one at class 7th and other is  yrs old) and a daughter (3 years old). Very funny, well mannered, well build, helpful personality he had. He owned a bi-cycle shop near Beta-Sineth more. Cause of death was, due to minor accident in bypass of Durgapur Expressway, near Moshat. Allah, please save his family.

Get email ids from a given text or email corpora using Regex and Java

Here is the example to get all email ids from a email corpora or text: package com.Nur; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Emailvalidation {     /**      * @param args      * @author nur.haldar      * @return      */     public static final String EXAMPLE_TEST = "This is the emailid:" +             " from where" +             " the mail was sent to Please check " +             "the two email ids are valid or not";     public static void main(String[] args) {         String regex = "\\b[A-Za-z0-9._%-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}\\b";         Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);                 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(EXAMPLE_TEST);         System.out.println("Below are the email ids found in the text:");         while(matcher.find()){             System.out.println("Email Ids: "+matcher.g

Check valid Email Id using Regex in Java

Any email id is of the form: or or . One can validate these emails using regular expression in Java. Below is a program which can replace the email ids with a word 'EMAIL'. package com.Nur; public class Emailvalidation {     /**      * @param args      * @author nur.haldar      * @return      */     public static final String EXAMPLE_TEST = "This is the emailid:" +             " from where" +             " the mail was sent to Please check " +             "the two email ids are valid or not";     public static void main(String[] args) {         //String nameRegex = "[A-Z][a-z]+\s\s?[A-Z][\.]?\s\s?[A-Z][a-z]+";         String pattern = "(\\w)(\\s+)([\\.,])";         pattern = "\\b[A-Za-z0-9._%-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}\\b";         System.out.println(EXAMPLE_TEST.replaceAll(pattern, "

Regular Expression in Java

Quick Study of Regex: Common Syntax to be remember: Regular Expression Description . Matches any sign ^regex regex must match at the beginning of the line regex$ Finds regex must match at the end of the line [abc] Set definition, can match the letter a or b or c

Free Download "Tomay Chara Ghum Asena Maa" Ringtone

Ringtone of Maa serial Title song: Please visit the below link. Thanks for download. And please don't forget to comment here.

A Bitter Reality

Written by An Indian Software Engineer A Bitter Reality As the dream of most parents I had acquired a degree in Software Engineering and joined a company based in USA, the land of braves and opportunity. When I arrived in the USA, it was as if a dream had come true. Here at last I was in the place where I want to be. I decided I would be staying in this country for about Five years in which time I would have earned enough money to settle down in India. My father was a government employee and after his retirement, the only asset he could acquire was a decent one bedroom flat. I wanted to do some thing more than him. I started feeling homesick and lonely as the time passed. I used to call home and speak to my parents every week using cheap international phone cards. Two years passed, two years of Burgers at McDonald's and pizzas and discos and 2 years watching the foreign exchange rate getting happy whenever the Rupee value went down. Finally I decided to

attach file gives false disk address path as 'C:/fakepath/filename'

After an hour googling and understanding the real cause, today I solved the IE 8 configuration related problem of 'fakepath'. Detail description will be given soon, how I find the problem and its solution and debugging. Ref:

Birt and Omega Reporting Tool

Will come soon......

Export PATH or JAVA_HOME when no permission to edit ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file

When a user did not have permission to add a new PATH entry in bash_profile, just use the below command in any terminal: $ export PATH=$PATH:/new/path     (where /new/path is the path to be added) $ export PATH=$PATH: /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/bin   (for java path) for JAVA_HOME: $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/ This new path variable will be visible for that terminal for the whole session. Once the terminal is closed, new PATH will also be vanished.

Solution: MyEclipse: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

The simplest solution to overcome the OutOfMemory error in myEclipse or Eclipse: 1. Choose the project first at runtime. 2. Right Click of the project in the left pan of MyEclipse / Eclipse. 3. Go to 'Run As' ---> 'Open Run Dialog...' 4. Go to 'Argument' tab in the center. 5. Put ' -Xmx1024m ' (without single quotes (')) as argument in VM. 6. Click 'Apply' button and then 'Run'. It will run fine now.