
Showing posts from February, 2012

attach file gives false disk address path as 'C:/fakepath/filename'

After an hour googling and understanding the real cause, today I solved the IE 8 configuration related problem of 'fakepath'. Detail description will be given soon, how I find the problem and its solution and debugging. Ref:

Birt and Omega Reporting Tool

Will come soon......

Export PATH or JAVA_HOME when no permission to edit ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file

When a user did not have permission to add a new PATH entry in bash_profile, just use the below command in any terminal: $ export PATH=$PATH:/new/path     (where /new/path is the path to be added) $ export PATH=$PATH: /usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/bin   (for java path) for JAVA_HOME: $ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_06/ This new path variable will be visible for that terminal for the whole session. Once the terminal is closed, new PATH will also be vanished.

Solution: MyEclipse: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

The simplest solution to overcome the OutOfMemory error in myEclipse or Eclipse: 1. Choose the project first at runtime. 2. Right Click of the project in the left pan of MyEclipse / Eclipse. 3. Go to 'Run As' ---> 'Open Run Dialog...' 4. Go to 'Argument' tab in the center. 5. Put ' -Xmx1024m ' (without single quotes (')) as argument in VM. 6. Click 'Apply' button and then 'Run'. It will run fine now.